Weekly Reads: January 7th


Welcome to my first Weekly Reads installment of 2019! I’m hoping that continuing to post my weekly reading TBR will keep me on track to hit my reading goals for the year.

My year is off to a fantastic start with my first book being 5 stars! Now I just need work to chill out a bit so that I can have some more reading time!

img_9486This week I’m continuing to read THE NOWHERE CHILD by Christian White. So far I have loved every single chapter of this book! There are alternating timelines between past and present, which is something I greatly enjoy in books. White’s writing style is also very engaging and addictive, which leads me to wanting to binge as many pages as possible!

Today kicked off the start of my January King read-along for PET SEMATARY. I remember absolutely being creeped out by the movie when I was younger, but it’s been many, many years since I’ve seen it, so I don’t remember much. This one has been on my King bucket list for a while now, so I can’t wait to start tomorrow!

Speaking of books that have been on my list for forever…I have been wanting to check out Yrsa Sigurdardottir’s writing for an eternity and I think beginning with the Children’s House series will be the perfect place to start! THE LEGACY is the first in the series and I already have an ARC for THE RECKONING, which is the next installment.

Not pictured is SOMEBODY I USED TO KNOW by David Bell, which is my current audiobook selection. I had to scramble around to find my books through bleary eyes this morning because I had zero time to take book photos this weekend, so I accidentally left it out of my stack! I’ve really enjoyed the story so far and am looking forward to where the plot leads!

What are you reading this week? Have you read any of these titles?

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